Kindle Fire

Saturday, December 31, 2011

The ultimate distinctive feature of Christianity is Jesus Christ as the Crucified.

The argument for the Incarnation and/or Trinity as the most important Christian tenet has been part of the advocates of the Empire church which relegated the Crucifixion to the background while they prostituted themselves for money and power. This led to the formation of religious orders as a reaction to the secularization of Christianity by the bishops of the fourth century. Thus creating the dichotomy that only specific persons in a monastic way of life were “perfect” followers of Christ. The hierarchy went empire, some ordering the killing of other Christians, while others saw the need to preserve the Way. So went the kerigma of the Crucifixion as the hierarchy became the crucifiers. Especially of the Way of Christ. Following were the glory proclaimers who stressed the royalty of Christianity, explaining that this was shown in the Incarnation and Trinity. Origen gives tells us that the people were not buying insisting that “Christ Crucified” was the message.

One of the prophets of our time helps us understand the authentic message of Jesus Christ. He was duly ostracized for his efforts.

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