Kindle Fire

Friday, December 2, 2011

Remaining a Catholic despite corruption in the Bishops and Popes.

Jesus gave the answer about those who sit on the chair of Moses. That is, the bishops (pharisees and scribes). Do what they say but not as they do. Do what they say in that we need some unity in essentials while not accepting doctrinal conclusions which solidify power rather than service. The truth is that bishops and most popes have been generally obnoxious. Yet the church has managed to salvage a liturgy, scripture and communion, better than anyone. This does not mean that many of the Protestant practices are not better, but that the church has managed to keep it together better, despite the evil leaders in their midst. People who leave, in general, bought the concept of the clergy as God. So when it is seen that the emperor has no clothes everything else crumbles. When we see that the church must constantly reform itself we work with all sinners which includes the popes and bishops and constructively urge them to be better. That is what builds up the church. Not obsequious obedience or uncontructive criticism.

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