Kindle Fire

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Christian Church and Torture

Can we finally address this as a failure of Christian leadership. When even the amiable Archbishop Dolan of New York talks about "prudential judgment" we know he is continuing a long history of abuse from the Christian church. It is acknowledged that Augustine was the justification for the use of force to control heretics. When will we acknowledge that the clergy has too often encouraged the use of violence rather than seeking more peaceful ways.

Her are the words Augustine used; nisi hoc terrore perculisi -- under the terror of this danger. By "terrorizing" the Donatists (Augustine's word) they would return to the church and be faithful Catholics.

What an uproar over a commencement speech at Notre Dame by the President of the United States. But only words with no follow-up when it comes to criticizing terrorizing prisoners. Again the bishops fail.

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