Let the free market reign. When workers complain about working conditions and strike I, since I have the money, will hire goons to beat the crap out of them. The Free Market is fantastic because it allows three year old females to be trafficked to all those admirable men who make our markets what they are. The free market is great I can store a years supply of the best food while the families of Spain and Greece can wait outside restaurants to salvage the scraps. What is Jesus talking about when he says: "I have compassion on the multitude." Does he not know they caused the hunger themselves? And surely Jesus is plumb out of his mind when he continues: "THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD IS UPON ME, BECAUSE HE ANOINTED ME TO PREACH THE GOSPEL TO THE POOR. HE HAS SENT ME TO PROCLAIM RELEASE TO THE CAPTIVES, AND RECOVERY OF SIGHT TO THE BLIND, TO SET FREE THOSE WHO ARE OPPRESSED,"
Set the captives free? They chose their chains. And error of all errors; the Good Samaritan. What was that man doing walking alone anyway. The priest and the levite knew that. But the stupid, hated Samaritan had a senior or non-market moment. Let the free market roar so I can bribe officials who want to stop me from insider trading and screwing anybody I can.
Why free the captives when the market is more catptivating? Why free the oppressed when they spoil all the fun. And if the blind stay blind there is more for me. Preach the Gospel to the Poor? Let them stay "Behind the Beautiful Forevers" and let me have my party!!!

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