Kindle Fire

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Indian Priests to America while Indian Women are Abused

Without a conscience American bishops are paying for Indian priests to come here while the greatest need is in their homeland. How long can this abusive practice continue whereby money determines the pastor while the captives are not freed. The anointing of disciples specifically require freeing the captives. The bishops and pastors dwell in mediocrity while the people perish.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Rape is still covered up on College Campuses

AMHERST, Mass. — This year has brought news of student athletes charged with sex crimes at Boston University and at Temple, along with countless other less publicized cases. There have been claims that Wesleyan University tolerated a fraternity house where the abuse of women was common. A gang rape at the University of Massachusetts was reported just this week. Enlarge This Image Ilana Panich-Linsman for The New York Times Amherst College Enlarge This Image Ilana Panich-Linsman for The New York Times Dana Bolger, an Amherst College junior who said her rapist went unpunished, helped create a Web site credited with raising awareness about sexual violence at the school. But none has generated more soul searching, or scrutiny from beyond, than a woman’s wrenching account, published in a campus newspaper last week, of being raped in May 2011 by a fellow student at Amherst College and then being treated callously by college administrators. “Eventually I reached a dangerously low point, and, in my despondency, began going to the campus’ sexual assault counselor,” the woman wrote in The Amherst Student. “In short I was told: No you can’t change dorms, there are too many students right now. Pressing charges would be useless, he’s about to graduate, there’s not much we can do. Are you SURE it was rape?”

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Set the Markets Free. Not the Captives.

Let the free market reign. When workers complain about working conditions and strike I, since I have the money, will hire goons to beat the crap out of them. The Free Market is fantastic because it allows three year old females to be trafficked to all those admirable men who make our markets what they are. The free market is great I can store a years supply of the best food while the families of Spain and Greece can wait outside restaurants to salvage the scraps. What is Jesus talking about when he says: "I have compassion on the multitude." Does he not know they caused the hunger themselves? And surely Jesus is plumb out of his mind when he continues: "THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD IS UPON ME, BECAUSE HE ANOINTED ME TO PREACH THE GOSPEL TO THE POOR. HE HAS SENT ME TO PROCLAIM RELEASE TO THE CAPTIVES, AND RECOVERY OF SIGHT TO THE BLIND, TO SET FREE THOSE WHO ARE OPPRESSED," Set the captives free? They chose their chains. And error of all errors; the Good Samaritan. What was that man doing walking alone anyway. The priest and the levite knew that. But the stupid, hated Samaritan had a senior or non-market moment. Let the free market roar so I can bribe officials who want to stop me from insider trading and screwing anybody I can. Why free the captives when the market is more catptivating? Why free the oppressed when they spoil all the fun. And if the blind stay blind there is more for me. Preach the Gospel to the Poor? Let them stay "Behind the Beautiful Forevers" and let me have my party!!!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Vatican II Fifty Years Later

Vatican II was a prodigious success. Relations with other Christians and other religions improved astronomically. The importance of baptism, not ordination, as the hallmark and responsibility of the followers of Christ. The recognition of the priesthood of all believers. Recognition of love as a primary end of marriage. Allowing Catholics to pray in their own language. The emergence of women in the church. And much more. The problem was that this was a cyclone which was not controlled. There was probably no way to control it because each side fought for its point of view negating a more practical catechesis for those not close to the council. In addition there were excesses. Some people in the renewal were just as intolerant as those they wanted to supplant. Others thought that anything goes. While there were structures that had to change, other structures like marriage and sex were not safeguarded wisely. On the whole, believe it or not, I think the church is more respected than it was before V2. Then it was considered an outdated institution that was out of touch. Few Catholics challenged the hierarchy while those outside considered the political ramifications. It is easy to repeat sound bites and charged words. Like less priests and closing parishes. Even many V2 critics acknowledge many of its positive aspects.